There ain’t no sin and there ain’t no virtue. There’s just stuff people do.
— John Steinbeck

We need stories!

We are planning our next event on June 7 at Good Robot — please get in touch!

Our next theme is: “What goes around comes around. Stories of karma, payback, and retribution. Submissions are due May 1.

There are no rules  (but there are guidelines)

  • Stories should NOT exceed 1100 words — this is about 5-7 minutes.

  • Stories must be true. Of course you’ll embellish, but this isn’t fiction.

  • We don’t want anecdotes – a well-crafted story has tension and something unexpected

  • Nova Scotia has all kinds of people and we want all kinds of stories … except hate speech, ‘funny’ accents, and any other dumbassery.

How to Submit:

Just email us at

We read all of them, and we will try to select the ones that best match the theme. We will keep all stories for future events. 

Your story is your own, and will keep being yours. We are grateful to be a part of it, but we don’t want rights or anything. We might record a show, but the story itself will always belong to the author.

What makes a good story?

The oldest advice is sometimes the hardest to take but … remember to SHOW not TELL. Action is better than inaction when storytelling. Take us through the experience as if it is happening, not as it happened.

The first line is everything. Hook us in right away. Grab our attention. Set the stakes. Surprise us. Envelop us. Do not wait to tell your tale, do it in the very first line.

Successful stories have an arc — you don’t have to start at the ‘beginning’ but you have to take us somewhere. There must be some conflict and some conclusion, even if it isn’t the one you expected.. You should be able to answer the question: Why would anyone else care about this?

What happens after you submit your story?

If your story is selected for a show, we will work with you to edit it and give direction for the best possible performance.

This is a storytelling show, which means you shouldn’t be reading it, you should be reveling in it. If you think your story deserves to be told, we want to make it heard.